Coopers dark - in cheap plastic bottles

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Active Member
May 15, 2011
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Hi any/every one.

I've started a batch of the above...was hoping to give it to a friend as a birthday present so I've saved up some fizzy-water bottles (sainsburys flavoured water....I've taken off the labels and printed new ones!) so I can give the present without worrying about getting the bottles back.

If I do everything right; will the bottles be OK? Is there any chance they'll explode?
My thinking is that because carbonated water was in them originally - they should be I right or should I rethink the whole thing.
Fizzy drink bottles can take huge amounts of pressure. Think I read somewhere that it was around 100psi.
I have used 'branded cola' bottles for ginger beer they are fine.. just make sure you warn them about the lids. They tend only to have a short thread travel (1 twist etc) so can pop off (at speed!!) if opened to quickly - not letting the CO2 escape slowly enough!

those bottles will be fine there what i am using for my brews and i havent had any explode just make sure your brew has finished fermenting before you bottle.
make sure the fizzy water bottles have "pet" stamped on them somewhere, this means they can take a lot of pressure without distortion, coca cola, lemonade, all branded sugared fizzy drink bottles are fine, its best to check before you bottle the brew just in case, if its slightly sparkling water in the bottles check first they might not be strong enough and you will end up with rounded bottom bottles so they wont stand up, 500ml coke, sprite, iron bru etc are fine.
Hi Matey, I've been using the Saisbro's fizzy water bottles for about three brews now (£1.10 for three ones) they don't have PET stamped on them as far as I can see and none have rounded so far.

Be aware tho' depending on what flavour you buy it can leave an after taste of the fruit that is in the water, I bought two flavours, 9 bottles of Raspberry and something or other and 14 Strawberry and Kiwi I think, even tho' I've cleaned them sanitised them cleaned them some more etc etc there are occasional bottles that taste very slightly of fruit so I'm guessing that it was the Raspberry ones?

I'm now buying the Lemon and Lime ones as they are fairly neutral tastes for lager.
go to your local pub/social club and ask them to save 500ml glass bottles,give them a box to put them in, they are all non returnable so you can end up with 100's free of charge and crown caps cost 99p for 50 from tesco's or wilkinsons
Thanks guys.

Yes Hollow is those bottles I'm using too...I'll try to avoid the raspberry ones...hard to believe that the container has more value than the product!
Just one more many carbonation drops should I use? I'm thinking 2 per litre bottle...does that sound right
dermy said:
Just one more many carbonation drops should I use? I'm thinking 2 per litre bottle...does that sound right
To be honest I would batch prime as I don't rate the carb drops, the answer to your Q would be 3 per litre bottle.
evanvine said:
Thanks Snail, this has at last been a good day; I've learned something!
By the way, how do you get 1/2 a drop for the 1 1/2 drops required for 500ml?
Rub one on your tongue and keep measuring it against a full one until halved :) Simples.

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