Coopers Canadian Blonde - ok

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Lightwater, Surrey
Just trying my blonde from the corny - she tastes pretty good but is still a bit bit bouncy & cloudy :D .
This is the first time that I haven't primed a brew - I've just carbonated this one assuming that it will condition sooner.
The bottles are clear but the glasses from the cornie are a bit cloudy - maybe it's the first few pints.
Anyway a good lager to have with a meal or takeway - I'm pleasantly surprised :party:
By the way I used Muntons light spraymalt instead of sugar :clap:
good to hear. u dont have to add any priming sugar to the cornie, just carbonate with the co2.
aslong as it tastes gd then thats the main thing
I too have just tapped the Cornied Canadian Blonde tonight! Mine is still a little hazy. I believe this is what they call "Chill Haze". Mine has been conditioning for about 6 weeks. It's bloody beautiful!