Pretty much as above. That one is 1 metre. I cut it in half to use one half as hop filter in the boiler but it didn't work very well.
So cut it in half. At the fitting end wedge a small sharp knife between the braid and hack the rubber innard. Be careful not to mash the braid up too much, it should all push back to its original form. Get a pair of pliers, pull the cut end of the rubber hose and stand on the fitting. It should pull away fairly easily.
I then put the 15mm fitting on to a couple of inches of 15mm copper. This copper then pushes in to the the tank connector which is 15mm.
Fold back the cut end and crimp with pliers.
It'll need bunched back up after removing the rubber as this will stretch the braid. Just get it bunched up so the holes in the braid are even and not too small or too big. You'll see what I mean about that when you do it.