Conditioning time and sweetness

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Jun 21, 2011
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Having drunk a bottle of my Coopers Euro lager less than two weeks in the bottle, it got me thinking about conditioning time and the flavour impact of the priming sugar. The lager tasted fab but I'm sure there was a hint of sweetness to it.

Presumably the sugar will take a while to ferment out - but it is possible that it won't and therefore lend a sweetish quality to the beer?
only non-fermentable sugars won't ferment out. normal sugar will ferment and either carbonate or explode.

your lager is probably at its peak of condition after one month carbonation wise. if you want to change the flavour in any way, you can use different sugars or steep non-sugar ingredients into the priming sugar mix - ginger, for example.

But yeah, don't worry. It's probably just sweet to your palette...
I hope your right! Tried another bottle of the Coopers Euro today and it's definitely a little sweet. Perhaps after another few weeks all the sugars will have fermented out and it will be a little less sweet.

Mind you, it's not a bad thing - maybe just need to get used to it. Bottling up my first AG brew this weekend so looking forward to see what it's like in it's green state. I'll probably be a little more conservative with the priming sugar and limit it to 80g or so for the batch.
mind the coopers euro lager is probably the most realistic of all kits when it comes to timing, it advises to leave for at least 12 weeks before trying. does your smell of rotten eggs? mines still stunk like hell even after about 4 months in the bottle, it was clear and tasted ok though!
My Coopers Euro didn't really smell much TBH. Lots of fizz and a pleasant if slightly sweetish taste. The rest are in the garage under a full FV so can't try any more for another tw or three weeks!

Tried a bottle of my first AG a few days ago. Only been in the bottle a couple of weeks but thought I'd give it a go. Great taste (I think I'm getting used to the sweeter/malty flavour) but completely flat so will leave it another couple of weeks before trying again.