cwiseman77 said:
Hmm...think I may have to do a wheat like every second brew...just so I have something to drink whilst everything else conditions. Any suggestions for a nice extract recipe wheat beer? Last one I done was single hopped with Hersbrucker.
Was thinking maybe 200-250g of maris otter, wheat malt extract and tettnang hops. Reckon that would work? Could add some dark crystal and maybe a second hop at the end but thought maybe would just keep it simple.
A wheat beer recipe is , from 50 to 70% wheat (55 to 65% being most popular)
the rest either pale ale , or munich malt . you may add some caravienna/carahell/caramunich etc but keep it low like 5% max unless you are aiming for dunkel (dark) weizen and you might use darkwheat instead of pale wheat, carawheat/caramunich/munich1/11/111 etc but you need a strong banana yeast like wlp300 (wlp380 just not enough banana and the dark malts mask it too much)
So extract , i think dried malt wheat is 50% wheat 50% barley (not sure you'd have to check ) if so i think i'd just use that plus some cara malt but only around 150g/200g and hops are not wanted in the taste at all or aroma that why aroma hops are used like
Hersbrucker (haller+ mittle)
perle , but perle is a little harsher than the others , tett can be a little too ,
But for me i have now almost stuck to the same recipe (little changes like caravienna instead of munich 11) and its the yeast that will change the profile the most .
Wheat yeast info,
This is what i have to say about white labs
wlp 300 the classic german yeast (weihenstephan) strong banana very nice but you need to love wheat to like/love this strain.
wlp320 American wheat beer , nice but no classic taste at all . crisp and pleasant .Even people who don't like classic german wheat beers may like this .
wlp356 Bavarian yeast , very nice and clean tasting , pleasant clove and maybe some vanilla depending on temp brewed .
wlp380 Lovely banana and clove with a creamy sort of vanilla present , poss the all round best yeast to please more people.
ferment at 18c if more clove and crispness wanted ,
ferment at 22c if more banana wanted (vanilla and clove in some yeasts will still be present).
hope this helps