Complete beginner in edinburgh

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
Reaction score
Hello all,
Thanks first to my good lady for finding this forum for me!
I'm eager and completely inexperienced at brewing. As a teenager I made some pretty interesting ginger beer, but now I'm all growed up and have the time I'm looking to brew the real good stuff.
So far, I've made a batch of coopers dark ale, and threw out a batch of tooheys old that went wrong. (bad yeast)
I'm eager to start making some good brews and have a goal in mind, tho I think I'll need to practise with a couple more kits first. (and read up on what on earth to do! Found an old homebrew book in second hand bookshop. The cock ale sounds interesting!)

Cheers! :drink:
Welcome; There's some great guides in the "How To" section to get you started. You'll want to be going AG pretty soon then :lol: :twisted:
Nice to meet you!

I think Tubby Shaw did a Cock Ale - do a search for it and hope you have a strong stomach!
Welcome Shug.

I'm in Edinburgh too, and just got my 3rd kit in the FV at the moment. i got a starter kit for Christmas, found this forum and have bought all of my other bits and pieces from Davie Martin @ Edina homebrew, just off Easter Road.

Lots of good advice on here, and more to be had from Davie.

Hi Shug :drink: :drink:

I work in Edinburgh, and occassionaly nip into Edina for brew stuff - highly recommend them - just prepare to be in there chatting for a while :lol: :lol:
Dunfie said:
Welcome to the forum Shug.

Was this the "Cock Ale" recipe you noticed in the book? I got sent a bottle and it was very nice. :D
Recipe I had needed a whole boiled cockeral, the older the better apparently. Had raisins in too. Not sure where I put that book now!