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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
Reaction score
Milnthorpe, Cumbria
I have done a comparison between my version of a commercial beer and the 'real thing'. I recently did a Ag brew of Jennings Cocker Hoop. I bought a bottle to try it side by side. Today I decided to give it a go. My brew was only bottled 2 weeks ago so still a little young. But patience is not my best attribute. I gave my OH a blind taste. And my beer won. :clap: :clap: :clap: I have to say a big thanks to Mr Wheeler, he has got it spot on. Isn't it great when you brew a beer equal if not better than a good commercial.
I did a side by side comparison with Timothy Taylor Landlord and G Wheelers version. The commercial one was cleared and more sparkly, but taste wise my home brew version stood along side the shop bought one very well indeed. He got that one right as well... :clap:
Mine was clear and had the same head and lacy froth down the side of the glass. I put most of the brew in a cornie so it will be interesting to try that one as well. I will leave that for few weeks to clear properly and mature. But already I am looking forward to it.
My head was better than shop bought and lasted the whole pint and I got good lacing... Just not as clear as I would have liked

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