Compact garage brewery using 2 racking units

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May 11, 2011
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Rotherham, the land of the Mockney Chef
It's been a while, and have been getting by on St Peter's IPA and Ruby Red plus some wine I put away for a few months - all due to moving house. Existing stocks exhausted now, St P. RRA nearly finished in primary. My pocket is weeping at the price of beer in the shop!

Now I've got a double garage rather than a shed at the bottom of the garden

I've got an idea to make the brewery out of industrial shelving, and this due to arrive from ebay tomorrow: ... 0803945408

One side of the racking will take the boiler, mashtun and a single bowl sink (cut into one of the shelves), the other side I am going to make the lower half into an insulated cupboard (mdf sides and some foil /foil bubble wrap) for fermentation and try out my temp controller with the remainder brewery storage.

Will post pics as it will be a labour of love, and a return to the much lovd hobby.

The house is bigger and detatched, but the downside is we are on a water meter. So have to come up with novel water reducing features (luckily i use steam / videne for sterilising).
Thought about a water butt and using rainwater for chiller pumped round with my solar pump - or just let it cool naturally is an option.

Directors is probably the first brew for the new house, followed by effin erdinger :-)

Interesting times ahead!