Coca Cola in Coopers lager?

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Active Member
May 15, 2011
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Hello everyone.

Being in an experimental mood I was thinking about brewing a Coopers lager and adding something different as well as the usual brewing sugar or spray malt.
As I understand it, Coca cola is about 11% sugar so I was thinking I could use 900g of sugar or spray malt and 1 litre of Coca cola (obviously I'd shake it to remove all the gas.)

Will this work? Has anyone tried anything like it or am I an idiot who is overlooking a really good reason why this shouldn't be done?!
Cheers in advance.
Dermy, No!, or could this improve Coopers Lager?, you have to do it having voiced the intention, I'm not sure of the preservatives in Coke but it should impart something ;)
So you think I should do it or not?

I'm not what you'd call an 'old timer' brewer so I really don't know the rules but I love the idea of experimenting (my parents bought me a chemistry set when I was 10 - must come from that!)

I'll let you know how it turns out bar someone else posting a 'nail in the coffin' reason why I can't do it.

Cheers buddy.
i think you should follow those little voices in your head, you could be starting a trend! i think the flavours will be a bit weird but you never know until the yeast has done its stuff, keep everyone posted on the result, it will be interesting!
good luck!!
its a no from me! you wouldnt(or maybe you would) put coke in a lager normally and if your putting 1 litre in its going to make it quite dark
Abeyptfc is right, also the high acidity and preservatives might cause problems for the yeast, but I don't know. I'm very curious though! what might be a better idea would be to look at the ingredients and add all the flavourings like:

coca extract
kola nut extract

the list goes on and varies between brands and you could of course try and use actual coca and kola nut. They also use high fructose corn syrup, no reason why you couldn't get your hands on some of that. Actually I might try this at some point.

Whatever you do let us know!

I'm intrigued. The flavours sound a bit whacky, but nothing ventured nothing gained seems an apt quotation for this one. I’m not a lager drinker so have never thought of that one. Having said that I’m not sure it could improve ale either. Let us know how it gets on.

Do you not like your coopers larger?

I am all for experimentation but would you ever mix larger with coke anyway, why not try mixing it with flavours which are known to go with beer, rasberries blackcurrents spring to mind.

Personally I think you will end up chucking 40 pints or after the novalty has worn off chucking 39 pints.
go for it....yeah other flavours are perhaps more popular choices but break the mould ! I'm going to try a pint of lager tonight with cola just to see what it's like
Larger with a dash of coke will be nothing like larger fermented with coke as the major flavour component of coke, sugar would have been turened to alcohol.
Coke contains a fair bit of caffeine. Maybe it'll turn you into one of those feral youths who drink Red Bull and vodka :roll:
I once brewed a wine with Earl Grey tea. I don't remember any effect from the caffeine but it tasted nice enough.
graysalchemy said:

Do you not like your coopers larger?.

ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

How many times???? :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:
Hi all.

Just to recap I brewed a coopers mexican lager with 900g of brew enhancer (as this is what my supplier had in stock) as well as 1 litre of Coca Cola (with all the fizz shaken out of it.)

The beer has been in the bottle for a week but I'm just too impatient so I decided to crack one open for a little taste.


Not bad at all....obviously still quite sweet because of the lack of conditioning time but there is definitely a caramelly vanilla aftertaste which I must say is very pleasent.

Really glad I tried this little experiment - maybe go for American cream soda next time!

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