I barrelled my first attempt at an extract brew just over a month ago , these were the ingredients and instructions -
250g of Crystal Malt.
15g of Target (13% Alpha Acid).
50g of East Kent Goldings (6.8% Alpha Acid).
1 Whirlfloc Tablet.
1 sachet of Ale Yeast
Suitable for all grain or extract brewing. Requires 2.5kg Dry Malt Extract, or 4kg of crushed pale malt for all grain brewing.
Once the wort comes to the boil. Add the 15g of target. These hops will be left to boil for an hour. 15 minutes from the end of the one hour boil, add 20g of East Kent Goldings and a whirlfloc tablet. 5 Minutes from the end of the boil add another 20g of East Kent Goldings. At the end of the boil, turn off the boiler and add the last 10g of East Kent Goldings. Leave to sit for 10 minutes then chill with an immersion wort chiller.
I used a 27L burco boiler with about 15L of water , I haven't a hop strainer so I drained what I could from the tap into the FV and then tipped the rest from the boiler into the FV through a sieve.
I topped the FV up to 23L with chilled water and tried to cool it in a tray of cold water and freezer packs but gave up ,as it was still very warm ,and let it stand until next morning before pitching the yeast.
It fermented ok and smells lovely but it's still not showing any signs of clearing.
It tastes quite hoppy with a lingering bitter aftertaste.
I realise I've done several things incorrectly but is there anything I can try with this brew?
I'm not going to attempt another extract or maybe even a BIAB until I have a hop filter and wort chiller.
250g of Crystal Malt.
15g of Target (13% Alpha Acid).
50g of East Kent Goldings (6.8% Alpha Acid).
1 Whirlfloc Tablet.
1 sachet of Ale Yeast
Suitable for all grain or extract brewing. Requires 2.5kg Dry Malt Extract, or 4kg of crushed pale malt for all grain brewing.
Once the wort comes to the boil. Add the 15g of target. These hops will be left to boil for an hour. 15 minutes from the end of the one hour boil, add 20g of East Kent Goldings and a whirlfloc tablet. 5 Minutes from the end of the boil add another 20g of East Kent Goldings. At the end of the boil, turn off the boiler and add the last 10g of East Kent Goldings. Leave to sit for 10 minutes then chill with an immersion wort chiller.
I used a 27L burco boiler with about 15L of water , I haven't a hop strainer so I drained what I could from the tap into the FV and then tipped the rest from the boiler into the FV through a sieve.
I topped the FV up to 23L with chilled water and tried to cool it in a tray of cold water and freezer packs but gave up ,as it was still very warm ,and let it stand until next morning before pitching the yeast.
It fermented ok and smells lovely but it's still not showing any signs of clearing.
It tastes quite hoppy with a lingering bitter aftertaste.
I realise I've done several things incorrectly but is there anything I can try with this brew?
I'm not going to attempt another extract or maybe even a BIAB until I have a hop filter and wort chiller.