cloudy beer

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New Member
May 21, 2009
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hi this is my only second post would be grateful for help

done second fermentation been in demi jons for 4 days at room temp just moved to cold area but beer still cloudy im using youngs larger kit
any suggestions on how to clear would be appriciated

ive got 40 magners bottles from my local should i put my brew into bottles insted of demi jons
Hi brewster,
If your initial fermentation is over then it is OK to transfer to a secondary vessel (demijons, wine fermenter, second bucket)for clearing but not essential :thumb:
Clearing can take up to 2weeks, so give it a little more time in the cool ;)
brewster said:
ive got 40 magners bottles from my local should i put my brew into bottles insted of demi jons
You will need to prime (add a small amount of sugar to) your bottles to allow the small amount of yeast left in suspension in your beer to bring it into condition :thumb: