Clearing/Priming Question

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Active Member
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
The Shire
Once fermentation has finished, would a beer that has been left longer to clear potentially be less fizzy after bottle priming, compared to one that has been left for less time to clear. This is assuming both have exactly the same amount of priming sugar used per bottle?
Potentially yes because the clearer the beer the less yeast there is in suspension to create co2 but for our homebrewing needs it would be hardly noticeable in my opinion because there is always some yeast to munch the priming solution of whatever you use to carbonate the ale.This time of year it is more important to make sure the primed bottles are put somewhere with temp similar to fermentation temp for a week or 2 then somewhere cooler to create good carbonation for at least 2 weeks, then condition to reqd time.
:cheers: ken.

The reason i ask is that my second brew was bottle primed exactly as my first was. I have a measuring spoon which i flat off with a knife to get the exact amount of sugar the same per bottle. Yet me second brew is, so far, a lot less fizzy than my first.

It may just be that its taking a little longer to carbonate as its a few deg colder now than it was, and we have turned the heating down a couple of deg also.
Yep thats probably the reason,this time of year everything slows down a bit ( i know i have) just add a bit of extra time for the carb to take place. :cheers:
I'd bet my house on it being temperature. Unless you filter it, even a crystal looking beer will have enough yeast in it to ferment out all of your priming sugar. Take SNPA for example. They have a tiny, micron thick layer of yeast in their bottles but it's still more carbonated than most English bottle conditioned ales.

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