Clearing a beer

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Active Member
Feb 14, 2011
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Hi I have heared that you can use egg white to clear beer. Question is how much and how to put it in. ie Mix some with beer and stir in or just pour it gently on the top. Any help on this?

Isinglass can be used. Do not add to the inital fermentation though as I have!
Never used egg white but I have used gelitine.

I find that I very rarley have to clear it. I usually leave it somewhere cool for a week after fermentation, a concrete floor is a good place as it acts as a heat sink, dropping the temp and any yeast with it. If you try to clear to early I probably wont as if the yeast is still active then they are surrounded in co2 making them buoyant. Even if fermentation seems to have stopped yeast is still active for a few days after metabolising by products of fermentation. :thumb:
Hi thanks for that.
I supose if I am brewing real ail and it is presurised under its secondary fermentation then adding any finnings including egg white would be useless. As graysalchemy points out, if the yeast is still active then they are surrounded in co2 making them buoyant.


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