For the descale, if it is comprehensively stuck, try a common descaler, usually labeled as kettle descaler or the like, that's usually methanoic acid (or formic acid in non IUPAC terms). Failing that, you can usually fairly easily buy spirits of salt, which is reasonably concentrated hydrochloric acid. If you do use that, don't leave it in the boiler for too long or you may find it escaping all over the floor.
With these descalers, you can usually bung it back in a bottle and reuse it next time. I wouldn't return it to the original bottle for fear of contamination, but be sure to use a well labeled bottle of similar construction and a lid with a decent seal, or you may find that the cupboard you keep it in falls apart after a while due to corrosion of the metal fittings by the escaping vapors. Using the wrong bottle could result in a fairly disastrous spillage. If you dispose of it down the sink, dilute it by adding to a reasonable quantity of water (at least 5:1, preferably more), and wash down with plenty of water. It is after all a strong acid. Don't let me scare you off using it though, as a descaler it's a fair bit more powerful than any organic acid will ever be.