Cleaning mouldy bottles?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2012
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Right, I bought a job lot of empty bottles off eBay (40 500ml Crabbies and 40 500ml Bulmers, all brown glass for £10.50) and quite a few are pretty mouldy inside. Just had them sat in hot water and steriliser in the bath for an hour and give them a good going with the bottle brush on the way out, and it wouldn't lift the mould off the bottom :(

Anyone know of any aggressive cleaners that would get it out? Preferably as easy as possible because I'm a lazy git :lol:
Household Bleach, an inch a bottle. will clean most things
use oxyclean unperfumed, the stuff the wife puts in the wash with the washing powder, but dont forget to rinse and scrub a few times after, this wont sterilise just remove mould and all the gunk from the bottle, use with water as hot as you can stand then leave for an hour or two, its cheap to buy from wilkinsons or any shop, this stuff will shift anything
+1 for oxy or cheaper still washing soda. Leave them in a sink or a big tub to soak then drain and rinse and pack away ready to be sterilised on bottling day. :thumb:
I've tried using the oxycleaner and ended up with a dozen unusable bottles as it left a horrible deposit inside and outside the bottles that wouldn't shift no matter what I tried.

Maybe I've got overly-hard water where we are, but I'd try it on one bottle first before bunging a load in the sink with the solution...
I use the VWP type chlorine cleaner/sanitiser and if there are some stubborn remain I fill the bottom of the bottle and leave overnight. Works everytime. To avoid any cleanser residual dissolve in a jug or bucket first and then pour into the difficult bottles.
klaus said:
I use the VWP type chlorine cleaner/sanitiser and if there are some stubborn remain I fill the bottom of the bottle and leave overnight. Works everytime. To avoid any cleanser residual dissolve in a jug or bucket first and then pour into the difficult bottles.

+1 for this on really stubborn ones. :thumb: