Cleaning beer lines.

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Jan 5, 2013
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How often do i have to clean my lines - and with what (recommendations please)?
I had planned to just disconnect and soak in steraliser and rinse when i changed barrels every three - four weeks or so. is this enough?

KC :cheers:
When I had pubs it all depended on what was going through them, cider pritty much clean them selves, stouts improve with a slightly dirty line so maybe every couple of months, lager was every week without fail, and bitter was a clean line for each barrel (normally every 3-4 days)

As for cleaning you can get beer line cleaner and just flush it through the pipes, it is also great for cleaning the patio too :lol:
I run some hot oxy clean through mine and let them oak for about 10 mins then flush through with plenty of cold water. Then run some videne (1.25ml/litre of water) through them, connect back to cornies and open the tap until the beer come though. Sometime I do another water flush after the videne.

I do that about every 4 weeks :thumb:
I looked up in the MSDS what beer line cleaner is, and its basically concentrated KOH (pH up) with maybe some sodium metasilicate aka TSP substitute.
Could you not clean them with Milton?

I use Milton for everything because it's a bloody good cleaner and it's food grade.
If it's good enough to clean babies bottles, I'm sure it's good enough for some beer kit.
I'm guessing Milton doesn't have enough cleaning power to clean the lines. If commercial line cleaner is hydroxide based, then I'm guessing a heavy degreaser is needed. Milton would definitely sanitise after though...
i clean my lines with the cleaner and steriliser i use to clean and flush the keg removed from service.. unlike pubs which change kegs often mine are connected and left for weeks as a sealed system, it there were leak where something nasty could get in i would loose beer or pressure or both..

the only 'danger' point is the tap spout which has dried beer and air comming into contact with the beer as its poured. removable spouts are great but if not removable a squeezy bottle over a bowl with warm cleaner and steriliser will soon flush any nasties out while your kegs in service..
If the beer still tastes good and isnt fobbing there isnt much need to clean unless between kegs.

I use beer line cleaner from work but you can use any homebrew VWP then rinse with plenty of water.

The main risk you run for keg lines is that you will get build up of deposits in the line and it will start fobbing for fizzy stuff. If I had a keg on for 4 weeks I would prob clean it if there was enough left in the keg the warrant it.

You need to make sure the liquid is moving in the line as well, works alot better than soaking. I use one of the solar project pumps and leave it on to circulate for 30 mins with the tap attached. When not in use you should have the lines filled with water (non-rinse sanitiser?) but that's not really practical for HB use.

Darcey said:
When not in use you should have the lines filled with water (non-rinse sanitiser?) but that's not really practical for HB use.
It's illegal to have a beer line not in use :lol: :lol:
Darcey said:
When not in use you should have the lines filled with water (non-rinse sanitiser?) but that's not really practical for HB use.


i find it very practical.. the corny disconnect seals the keg end and the tap closed seals the other end holding in the no-rinse steriliser in place till use. i dont always have a keg ready to go on to my shame :(

my lines thru a chiller hold between 1/4 and 1/3rd of a pint, so the first pint poured flushes the line and pulls out most of any keg sediment..
This weekend I took both my beer taps apart and gave them a good soak in Oxy cleaner for the first time in over a year. Let's say that I won't be leaving it that long again! :sick:

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