Cider temperature

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Jun 13, 2020
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Hi, into the 2nd day of my first batch of turbo cider and have been seeing mention of fermenting temperature. Once fermentation has started is there a set temperature it should be working at or the DJ stored in? How much effect does temperature at this stage have on the brew?
Also, would someone be kind enough to explain 'racking off'? :?: Thanks
I usually brew at around 20 degrees or so and that's simply because my cupboard which has the airing cupboard off it sits at that temp all year. Assuming you're in the UK, at this time of year it's pretty much that temp indoors, if not a bit higher, so you should be fine in most places.
As above, around 20°C though cider yeasts are fairly forgiving.

Racking off is the process of siphoning off the cider / wine or whatever else from the sediment into a clean vessel. In wine making you tend to rack off the wine once it has reached a certain gravity to reduce the amount of sediment in the end product / improve the clarity, it may also be something about reducing yeasty flavours in it. After racking off it continues to ferment and typically once finished you'd then rack off again to stabilise and add finings.

With cider making it's not entirely necessary you could bottle straight from the DJ it has fermented in with some care or move it to a clean DJ or bottling bucket and give it a few more days to clear before bottling. Thing is though if you plan to add sugar to the bottles to carbonate you want some yeast left in there so it can do that so extended periods of waiting for it to clear could be detrimental.
Having a job keeping my batch of cider under 25 with the weather we are having.
Any tips as even my cupboard temperatures are 25-26!