Cider making advice please - Updated 13/06

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Active Member
Jun 2, 2009
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1) Me and the Mrs have just pressed a batch of juice. How far to the top of the demijohn should I fill it? should there ideally be no air space so touching the cork once I put the airlock on?

2) Should I place the airlock on straight away?

3) Ideally I would like it to naturally this likely? The apples were brought from a zealand cox.

4) If I have to add yeast when should I do it? Straight away?

5) What temperature should I store at?

6) I have a pint of juice left over....if it was easy enougth id want to make cider out of it but only have another half size demijohn which I guess is to big? Or could I make cider vinegar? or do you think stuff it and just drink it now?

7) Can I do anything with the remaining pulp?

Thanks in advance

Stoney said:

1) Me and the Mrs have just pressed a batch of juice. How far to the top of the demijohn should I fill it? should there ideally be no air space so touching the cork once I put the airlock on?
Leave at least 3" of space below the airlock bung to allow for the initial yeast cap to form, otherwise you will have yeasty apple juice trying to escape through your airlock :shock:

2) Should I place the airlock on straight away?
Yes :thumb:

3) Ideally I would like it to naturally this likely? The apples were brought from a zealand cox.
No it's not likely with eating apple, they are washed and treated to give a long shelf life.

4) If I have to add yeast when should I do it? Straight away?
As soon as possible :thumb:

5) What temperature should I store at?
Initially around 18 C, once fermentation is underway at the lowest recommended working temperature of the wine, low temp cider fermentations seem to keep a better flavour :D

6) I have a pint of juice left over....if it was easy enougth id want to make cider out of it but only have another half size demijohn which I guess is to big? Or could I make cider vinegar? or do you think stuff it and just drink it now?
Place it into a sanitised ice cube tray and freeze it, use it to top up the demijohn or prime with :thumb:

7) Can I do anything with the remaining pulp?
Not really :(
Commercial cider makers send it off for animal feed

Thanks in advance
You're welcome

Thanks Tubby,

I have followed what you said although the Mrs has frozen some of the pulp...ill leave that with her.
If she finds a use for it let us know :thumb:

I have poured some out to allow about 3" and also added the yeast...(although there was already a bit of froth at top?)
There probably was wild yeast present on the apples, but what type :? I think it is better to have a known clean yeast in there :thumb:

However this morning there seems to be major settlement on the top of the juice...looks quite thick...but there is bubbles coming through.
Perfectly normal ;) It's what the Normandy (French) cider makers call chapeu brun

Just an update.

The batch of cider had now been fermenting for 7 days exactly....It went through a nice bubbling period and then gradually slowed down yesterday and this morning...there is about 1 bubble every 20 seconds passing through the airlock.....

Also I am looking at sediment on the bottom taking up about 1 quater of the demijohn. (seems like a hellava lot)

Should I be leaving this still....I know last time I was told I moved it too quick.

I have a hydrometer now but aint got a clue of how to use it....any advice there would be appreciated.

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