Cheshire Brew Crew

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New Member
Jun 8, 2022
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I am starting back up the Cheshire Brew Crew and decided I needed to be more connected to the online community. I have almost no experience with clubs having only attended a handful of meetings before the pandemic. I am still very new to brewing. I am also interested in mead and cider as well.

If anyone in the Chester area is interested, the club now meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at That Beer Place on Foregate Street in Chester. We welcome all types of members, even those who haven't purchased their brewing equipment yet. We generally arrive about 6 pm, but the meeting doesn't fully begin until 7pm. Feel free to bring along a couple of bottles of your latest or favorite creation to share out and get opinions, feedback, and/or compliments.
Yes, we've started. Last meeting only 5 were able to make it. Hoping to get bigger turnouts as the meetings become a regular thing. We have just under 30 on the email roster and about 15 that are active. I am still working on getting the website and social media back up and running.
Yes, we've started. Last meeting only 5 were able to make it. Hoping to get bigger turnouts as the meetings become a regular thing. We have just under 30 on the email roster and about 15 that are active. I am still working on getting the website and social media back up and running.
Oh perfect, my dad and I would love to show up! Is there any info we need to know? If you need help with a website I can help you out for free as I am also a Web developer :)
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That would be brilliant! Nothing really critical to know. We start gathering about 6 pm to just socialize and catch up and the actual meeting agenda kicks off at 7pm.
Thank you for the offer on the website. We have a past one that I am just waiting for the access rights to get it updated and then pay the hosting costs and we will be back online.
That would be brilliant! Nothing really critical to know. We start gathering about 6 pm to just socialize and catch up and the actual meeting agenda kicks off at 7pm.
Thank you for the offer on the website. We have a past one that I am just waiting for the access rights to get it updated and then pay the hosting costs and we will be back online.
Sounds amazing! Will be there! :)
3rd monday of the month is tonight! I'm going to chance it and see if you're there. I've spotted your old stuff a few times on facebook and places while trying to find a local meetup. I was totally gutted as it looked like you'd packed in for the pandemic but if it's back on I'll come along fairly regularly. I've got some hazies, and oatmeal stout and a belgian blond to bring tonight. I'll be cycling in so transport space is limited :)
3rd monday of the month is tonight! I'm going to chance it and see if you're there. I've spotted your old stuff a few times on facebook and places while trying to find a local meetup. I was totally gutted as it looked like you'd packed in for the pandemic but if it's back on I'll come along fairly regularly. I've got some hazies, and oatmeal stout and a belgian blond to bring tonight. I'll be cycling in so transport space is limited :)
So glad you were able to make it last night! Hopefully we will get our website and social media stuff back up soon!
I am starting back up the Cheshire Brew Crew and decided I needed to be more connected to the online community. I have almost no experience with clubs having only attended a handful of meetings before the pandemic. I am still very new to brewing. I am also interested in mead and cider as well.

If anyone in the Chester area is interested, the club now meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at That Beer Place on Foregate Street in Chester. We welcome all types of members, even those who haven't purchased their brewing equipment yet. We generally arrive about 6 pm, but the meeting doesn't fully begin until 7pm. Feel free to bring along a couple of bottles of your latest or favorite creation to share out and get opinions, feedback, and/or compliments.
Last night's attendance was small as the trains were not running, the weather was miserably hot, and it is holiday season whilst school is out. However, our August meet on the 15th is set to be a good one as we are bringing our competition brews of anti-imperial stout for judging. Please see Drinkers for Ukraine for more details. We are asking for a £5 donation of all attendees to send to the Red Cross humanitarian relief efforts for Ukraine. You can bring cash to hand over to our treasurer, Ben, or donate online through the website: Drinkers for Ukraine. There will be official judging by 2 pre-selected community members and then the unofficial club tastings as well. We welcome people interested in the competition, the homebrew community, and beer afficianados. The meeting begins at 7 pm at That Beer Place, 116 Foregate Street, Chester.

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