Some of the comments on this topic - not just here - amaze me.
Why do people think that pedestrians will launch themselves in front of a turning vehicle because "it's the driver's fault if they get killed". Most pedestrians would rather stay alive.
Most drivers slow down and look before they turn at a junction. Regardless of law changes, it always was their responsibility to look out for pedestrians - and kids, bikes, cats, debris and other vehicles - in the side road. Why is this suddenly contentious?
(And if it's dark, there are these things called headlights. They are for seeing in the dark. And if you can't see stuff in your headlights, you need to slow down. Or visit Specsavers.)
Most drivers slow down if the car in front slows down to turn and don't willy-nilly rear end them. It's not much different if they stop for a pedestrian - if you don't do this, please don't drive.
Most cyclists don't ignore decent cycle paths - why on earth would they? And yes, I avoid the bad ones (and the cars that consider it perfectly OK to park in them).
And so on...