CAMRA membership - cheap as chips

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For anyone considering joining CAMRA it may be cheaper than you think. :thumb:

With single membership at £23 it sounds expensive until you consider the benefits which include £20 worth of JDW Beer tokens :cheers:

I think this represents pretty good value for money given all the campaign work that CAMRA carry out on our behalf. :clap:
That looks a pretty good offer. Now, if they could just do something about the pervasive smell of vomit in the edinburgh george street one that'd really seal the deal :lol:
It would be a good deal if I wanted to drink in any of the dreadful wetherspoons close to me. They both serve vinegar. It's cask vinegar though so CAMRA won't have an issue with it.
I am a CAMRA member, I don't always agree with all they campaign for though. It seems lately it is litlle to do with good beer, more to do with how much we are paying for beer. CAMRA seem convinced that beer duty is killing our pubs and our Real Ale, I think they need to move with the times and accept that pubs will close, society has changed and we don't all go to the pub every night any more. I recently went to a localish pub that serves good beer, the pint of diluted Pepsi concentrate that I got the wife was more expensive than my beer! I don't think its the price of beer that is the only problem.
Camra are an anachronisn!
They did what they set out to do, educating the breweries and Joe public that "Real Ale" was wanted and not keg crap.
Thery have gone way past what they came into being for, to the extent that they now dictate which beers etc may or may not be be served at a "Beer Festival"!
To my mind a Beer festival is to allow tasting of all types of beer, cider etc.
I now only go to non-camra organised events.
I am a CAMRA member, but I do think they're slightly hypocritical going on about all the pubs closing around the country, but they are in cahoots with Wetherspoon, who undercut every locally run pub around them.