Anyone advise - is it advisable to stick in some campdens into the secondary fermenter to protect the beer? My secondary is 30 ltr so quite big air gap when brewing 23-25 ltr.
Just wondering as i had a slight problem with my first brew getting a layer of the powder fungus? on the top when i put it in the secondary?
My thinking is that it may interfere with the secondary fermentation of the yeasties while in clean up mode?
I have potassium metabisulfate too.
Incidentaly the latest brew i did was originally 25ltr but on racking to secondary i only got just over 23 ltr out of it - must have lost a bit to evaporation as the yeast cake was quite compact and solid so i got most of the wort out.
Just wondering as i had a slight problem with my first brew getting a layer of the powder fungus? on the top when i put it in the secondary?
My thinking is that it may interfere with the secondary fermentation of the yeasties while in clean up mode?
I have potassium metabisulfate too.
Incidentaly the latest brew i did was originally 25ltr but on racking to secondary i only got just over 23 ltr out of it - must have lost a bit to evaporation as the yeast cake was quite compact and solid so i got most of the wort out.