Calculating Alcohol Units - frightening results

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Jul 26, 2012
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West Craven (Lancastrian Occupied Yorkshire)
Just out of curiosity I decided to see how Alcohol Units were measured. The results were frightening when applied to some of the higher ABV's.

The formula or should that be formulae, :?: never did Latin, is below.

A Pint is 568ml - so I am told, who am I to argue :roll:

Multliply this by the ABV and divide by 1000.

So, if the ABV is 6.9. It relates to 3.9 units per pint.

If the medics are to be believed that is at the top end of the 3 to 4 units per day for a male.

As I said it was just curiosity. Don't think I will be using these calulations on my brews :hmm:
just pretend we're Australian - their government has set the recommended limits at double the UK ones :lol: :lol: :lol:

Interestingly, the statistical geniuses that decide on annuity rates etc for your pension (actuaries) use mortality rate tables, and if you exclude all other factors, then looking at alcohol consumption alone, those drinking around 40-50 units a week have the LONGEST life expectancy, while teetotallers have the shortest, and they share that with those that drink OVER 60 units a week.

The poor saps who stick to the UK government recommended limits don't live as long as those who flout it but don't go completely silly :mrgreen: :drink: :drink: :drink:
I get a bit annoyed with the recommended unit figures. I'm 6'8 & have a heavy build (a bit of a chubber to be sure).I'm no doctor but to my thinking my metabolism is going to deal with 28 units a week a whole lot better than a smaller,lighter man.Not saying that my lifestyle is healthy but those figures I imagine are aimed at the average man, not specific individuals, & should be taken with a small pinch of salt.

Moderation is the key. I have 3-4 pints an evening & maybe a glass or 2 of wine with a meal.Maybe too much in the eyes of some.That to me is moderate.

If I was necking a bottle of spirits every day then I may be more worried than I am. If the Aussie guidleines are double then that's around 56 units a week,so by down under standards I'm fine.
Balls I have just drank 81 units in one pint.
Thats it I'm going to die says the goverment :cry: It was nice while it lasted.

Or I can stick my tongue out with a rasp and carry on like man has since the Dawn of Beer :cheers:
Muddydisco said:
Balls I have just drank 81 units in one pint.
One unit is 10ml of pure alcohol.

81 units would be 810ml of pure alcohol.

If you've got 810ml of alcohol in 568ml of beer then your beer's 143% abv.

How did you manage that? :wha:
It's total rubish, it's all about controlling the masses.

They don't want you to drink too much as it "could" make you miss behave and that would require controll!
As said if true, Australias limits are double ours ask the question why?
It's because they are not into controlling the masses as the UK are, you can't tell me that a countrys government would intentionally endanger their population by having such a high unit level.
They have double our level because thats a generally safe amount takeing away the controll element.

The UK sucks now, too much big brother going on (not the TV big brother) :x
quote BigJim72

I imagine are aimed at the average man, not specific individuals, & should be taken with a small pinch of salt.

Well no actually it might bring on a heart attack or something..... :(