Buried Treasure

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Feb 25, 2012
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Does anyone read "The Mad Fermentationist"? Some pretty wild brews.

One article I found interesting was this http://http://www.themadfermentationist.com/2008/08/buried-treasure-mead.html?m=1

Where some mead was buried and dug up periodically for sampling.

This sounded like a fun idea, would help me keep my hands off the beer until it's fully matured!

I have a old ammo can that is water tight that could fit several small bottles.

I wondered what would be the best beer to use? I guess high gravity, one where hop flavour isn't important.

I have a cherry kreik in the FV, I understand sour beers can age well.

I also have a Belgian triple, it's 9.5 % percent so might fit the bill?

Any ideas?
put mine in a beer crate at back of everything........saves digging.... :grin: