Buckingham Stock Pot

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Apr 12, 2015
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North Sussex
Anyone got one of the cheap Buckingham Stock Pots widely available on tinterweb?
They are supposed to be all stainless steel.
I am thinking of getting the 9 litre size and would occasionally use it for extract brews on a standard (non-induction) electric hob. However I am a bit wary since I have read somewhere they are flimsy and the pot can leak at the riveted handle fixings.
So if you have one are they any good given the price? And are they all SS, I don't want an aluminium pot for sure.
i have one of these pots, the 15 lt one. it is cheap and nasty to be honest but it does do the job. i do 10 lt BIAB and the odd extract batch, haven't had any issues with it leaking so far. material wise i think its SS, not 100% sure though.
To be fair Terry, I almost bought one of these, but they are really flimsy, and I was worried about the handles coming away one day, as you lifted, so bought a 15 Litre German jobby, which I felt was more future proof and was also ideal for soup making. Also, and this is only my way of thinking, was that most recipes you see on line are for 20+litres, so if you wanted to replicate it on a smaller scale (half), a 15 L pot seemed ideal. I did at the time also consult the folk on here and 15L seemed the minimum size for AG brewing, though I understand you are more of an extract/kit bod.
I use two of the small 5L ones for small batches and actually I really like it. Not as flimsy as I expected after reading feedback on amazon.
I got the 9l one from ebay cost about £10 and then I got the 19l one which cost about �£20
Both are good quality for the price
Thanks for replies, which sort of confirmed what I expected.
I found the size I am looking for for less than £10 so might buy one.
If it's no good I can always put some daffodil bulbs in it!
I got the 5pc set for £21.49. The handle rivets leak and the metal is very thin however that makes it easy to bend the handles off and drill holes in the bottom for a grain basket to build your own all-in-one - the 28cm 15L fits perfectly inside the Qualtex 20L tea urn QUAMIS883 once the plastic rim is removed. The other pot sizes are useful for other tasks like sparge water or measuring grains. These pots are lower quality than even a Ikea frying pan so I wouldn't do any real cooking in them but if you need the thinnest possible to drill holes in then these are pretty good. Def don't pay over a tenner for a pot some sellers have divided up the set and are singles for 20! I expect they sellers are getting them from a bargain store but not sure which one, the seller I bought from lives round the corner from B&M so maybe there.
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