Brupaks beers of the world-Bavarian weissbier

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el squids

Active Member
Oct 7, 2011
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Hi all, having a second attempt at a wheat beer ,first one turned out terrible 3 weeks in bottles might give it another week if still not good its going down sink :( so i have ordered a Brupaks single can which im told dosnt need sugar?but i have 1k of wheat spraymalt sitting here would it make a difference adding it ?also im waiting on wlp300 but seeing its a 10lt brew do i use half the wlp300? and if anyone has experience in this type of wheat beer id love to hear, :cheers: many thanks all
you could use half of yeast but once opened you need to either use the rest within 7 days ish or use in a demijohn to make more yeast etc and i would use the wheat malt , the brupaks are supposed to be quite good but more wheat aint a bad thing
Pittsy once again thanks very much for your reply glad to hear adding the wheat spraymalt wont do any harm ,it was just hearing that no sugar was needed had me confused , i didnt want to be ruining 2 wheat brews in a row :oops: as im determinded to do a tasty wheat beer ,erdinger was tasty until i tried weihenstephan wow unbelievable ,if i can make something half as nice id be well pleased ,many thanks pittsy :cheers:
when your ready i did a brew that i thought was like weihenstephan , i soaked around 500g of marris otter then used light DME and some wheat DME and some hallertau hersbrucker hops with wb 06 yeast it was a partial extract brew and i loved it, was one of my first (around 4th brew) have a look at the how to guide for extract brewing a stout i think it is i read it a few times and put it to practise , really is easy and great results :cheers:
pittsy i would love to get to that stage but think it will be a while yet,i think the last wheat beer i did was partial extract it was design a brew wheat extract ,some hallertau hops ,safbrew yeast ,not tasting great at moment a homebrew twang to it and not like a wheat beer ,so heres hopeing this Brupak is the job :cheers:

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