BrewMate soft wear - query

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Jun 25, 2012
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I use the above soft wear to design and brew my beers. Its lightweight ( and free) and does what I need.

There are a couple of boxes that I don't understand and was wondering if any user can assist

Both are automatically generated from the ingredients and times you enter, and are not user changeable.

First is.. BU:GU ratio ( example 0.77 )

Second is.. Balance value ( example 1.69 )

Can anyone enlighten me ?
piddledribble said:
First is.. BU:GU ratio ( example 0.77 )
Bitterness units to Gravity Unit ratio, basically a measure of how bitter a beer is likely to be

For most beers around the 3-4.5% you want it to be around 0.5 to 0.7 . . . although some styles go higher and lower than this, as gravity goes up then so should the BU:GU ratio . . . My RIS is normally around 1.0 to 1.15
BU:GU is the ratio of bittering units to Gravity so, IBU:OG

Around 0.5 is usually thought to be balanced, 1.0 would be fairly bitter. You'll get a sense of what kind of figure gives you the bitterness you like on your kit if you keep a record of the ratio.

there are various charts and descriptions knocking around t'interwebs

not sure about the other one

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