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Good Ed

Oct 25, 2010
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I currently use a free download BrewMate, however without spending a lot of money, what are your recommendations?

A lot of people seem to use Beersmith, seems a bit less easy than Brewmate to use but I've decided to give it another go. Unfortunately as my free trial had expired I had to pay for it... about 14 quid!
So far the Beer Calculus system at has fulfilled my needs. The fact it is online is a big bonus in that I can work on recipes from any computer or even from my phone...
I also use BeerSmith and can say its a very friendly little program to use. The user screens are much clearer than some of the others. The only (minor) drawback is that its american and so it doesnt have many of the english ingredients in it (e.g it doesnt have maris otter pale malt in it lol) . Having said that, its no bother to put them in once you dig out the details for each ingredient and its not missing that many.

It does have quite a good section of calculators with it too. :thumb:
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And the Recipe Calculator on this site (Top Left of every page)

And Beer Engine

Got to look at a few of the others as well
[quote="ChemPaul" The only (minor) drawback is that its american and so it doesnt have many of the english ingredients in it (e.g it doesnt have maris otter pale malt in it lol) :thumb:[/quote]

I had a look at after richc post (cheers rich :drink: ) ..and it has maris otter in there..the list on malt & fermentables is immense. :thumb: