Brewing Process of a HERMS

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Jun 4, 2010
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I'm going to be upgrading to HERMS system (buying parts of the brewery over a 12 month period) and I just wondering how long would you normally circulate the mash for? :hmm:

NB Does anyone else think HERM and RIMS sound like something you should see the doctor about? :lol:
I recirculate for the full period of the mash (normally 90 mins). Mind you, I've only had mine operating for 1 brew, so I'm hardly experienced...
I just wondering how long would you normally circulate the mash for? :hmm:
It's up to you really, I recirc for the whole mash, others recirc for the last 20 mins or so to get clear runnings, it's personal choice as long as your mash tun doesn't lose heat, if it does then recircing for the whole mash will maintain the temp.
NB Does anyone else think HERM and RIMS sound like something you should see the doctor about? :lol:

EDIT, forgot to say, if you're a bit lazy 'doughing in/stirring' recircing for the whole mash, or certainly some of it at the start will even the temps out across the mash...not that that's why I do it :whistle:
Cheers guys :thumb: I think i'll recirculate for 90mins then.

After the 90mins would you then recirculate and bring the temp of the mash up to 72c or do you guys just sparge?
I suppose you could empty the tun, refill with all your sparge water and recirculate at 72 to wash the grains of any sugar then empty?
Vossy1 said:
After the 90mins would you then recirculate and bring the temp of the mash up to 72c or do you guys just sparge?
That's what I do, others may do it differently.

Sorry V just to clarify, do you mean you recirculate to 72c or do you just go straight into sparging?
At the end of the mash, be it 60, 90 min or whatever I change the PID target to 75 deg C, when the recirc reaches that temp I then start sparging. I divert the runnings to the boiler whilst pumping the sparge liquor through the heat exchanger to the mast tun, that way the heat exchanger corrects any temp fluctuations in the sparge liquor and the sparge liquor cleans the associated pipework so I don't have to do it later.

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