brewferm christmas ale and stuck 1st ferment beers

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Jul 25, 2010
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throwing this one out to you lot, i have brewed brewferm christmas ale which went bottled requires no priming sugar as it stops 1st ferment at 1020, question is if a brew sticks at 1020 can it be bottled with no priming sugar just like the christmas ale?
will this way turn other beers into bottle bombs?
granted the christmas ale needs at least 3 months in the bottle, the longer the better, i still have a couple of bottles left from a batch i brewed sept 2010 and it is incredible beer.
i ask because i have brewed an ag recipe from graham wheelers book and it stopped at 1020, i think due to the temp in my dining room, me thinks its a bit on the cold side, it has been on a warming tray for 24 hours but still no activity through the airlock.
im tempted to bottle it with no priming sugar and see what occurs :)
i would bottle it and use priming sugar if its stopped fermenting in the fv it will be ok we bottled at 1.020 before a few times with a full amount of priming sugar and it was still ok
Sorry I can't help, but pleased to here teh brewferm turned out nicely as i have this kit maturing and I am extremely skeptical about it tasting nice.

Bottled at 1020 after about 2 -3 days fermentation, very cloudy indeed, and consequently a load of sediment in the bottle. Will sediment affect the taste? Also, were your brews really fizzy? Think mine may be very fizzy, thus throwing up all the sediment when i finally come to open them. :?

Sorry to hijack the thread, I hope someoen can help you. I would offer an opinion, but as I don't know for sure i'll wait for someone who knows better than I do to answer.