Brewdog Sex Discrimination

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Chairman of the Bored
Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
Royal Hamlet of Peckham. London.
We all love Brewdog shenanigans on the forum:

A man in Cardiff took Brewdog to court, and won, after he was denied a discount on a pint of beer because of his gender.

Dr Thomas Bower went to Brewdog Cardiff in March 2018 and tried to order a pint of “Pink IPA”, advertised at the cut price of £4 as part of a national campaign to highlight the gender pay gap.

The “Pink IPA” was a re-branded version of the brewer’s flagship ale Punk IPA launched on International Women’s Day. With a tongue-in-cheek strapline calling it “beer for girls”, the drink was intended to serve as a “clarion call to close the gender pay gap in the UK and around the world and to expose sexist marketing to women, particularly within the beer industry.”

Alongside the launch, Brewdog also offered Punk IPA with a 20% discount for women at its UK bars on 8 March.

Bower said that he was refused the discount by the Cardiff branch’s staff due to the fact that he is male, and was initially charged £5 for a pint of Punk IPA, reports WalesOnline
I'm sorry, but what was the case about?

I switched off when I got to the sentence ...

Bower said he “felt forced to lie” about his sex in order to get the beer at the
discounted price of £4 and told the bartender he “identified as female.”

Sorry but "discounted price of £4 a pint" stopped me dead!

I presume that the time when a bloke could go out with a £5 note, buy a packet of ****, drink five pints of beer, buy a bag of fish and chips and wander home with change jingling in his pocket, is well and truly over!
I presume that the time when a bloke could go out with a £5 note, buy a packet of ****, drink five pints of beer, buy a bag of fish and chips and wander home with change jingling in his pocket, is well and truly over!
As is the time as a student you could pop along to the Students union and have 3 pints of cider and go home with a little change from 50p.
Of course my yearly income was around £300...
''Bower said he “felt forced to lie” about his sex in order to get the beer at the discounted price of £4 and told the bartender he “identified as female.” - So he lied about identifying as a female to get £1 knocked off?

'The judge said the drinker would have felt “humiliated” by having to tell Brewdog staff he identified as female in order to have £1 taken off the price of his pint.'' - I'm sorry, but how is anyone meant to know who identifies as what without asking or being told?

This is a ******** article and the man/woman/apache helicopter who took them to court over this is pathetic.
I'm sorry, but what was the case about?

I switched off when I got to the sentence ...

Bower said he “felt forced to lie” about his sex in order to get the beer at the
discounted price of £4 and told the bartender he “identified as female.”

Sorry but "discounted price of £4 a pint" stopped me dead!

I presume that the time when a bloke could go out with a £5 note, buy a packet of ****, drink five pints of beer, buy a bag of fish and chips and wander home with change jingling in his pocket, is well and truly over!
You need to get out a bit more....
Brewdog offer a “pink pint” £1 cheaper than their normal one to publicise the gender pay gap.

It’s open to everyone as long as the day to the bar staff that they identify as female

Man says he identifies as female to get his cheaper pint

Man sues Brewdog because he has to say he identified as female to get his cheaper pint
Certainly another quirky BD publicity stunt either who would be willing to do so and file it under another Gender style as it wouldn't matter how you looked as long as you identified as a Female.
These sorts of stories are frustrating. For every 9,999 people who get the points being made - gender pay gap, arbitrary marketing aimed at women - and are happy to play along with the joke and say "I identify as female" to get a cheaper pint, you get one cockwaffle who undoes the hard work. It may be poorly executed (perhaps get everyone to say "I'm a feminist and believe in equal pay" in order to get a cheaper beer) but the whole reasoning behind this is noble (unless you're being massively cynical). I mean, aside from this chap, who are the two morons who took time out of their day to complain to the Portman Group about how "beer for girls" in small print directly above 5.6% abv in the beer aisle would suddenly appeal to kids? There are plenty of other, more constructive, ways of letting off disgruntled enthusiasm than writing a strongly-worded letter.
Of course my yearly income was around £300...

There's "Posh" for you!

My real first wage (Deck Officer Cadet in the Merchant Navy) was £9.11.8d a month and they took £1.1.8d a month out of that for my NI stamp to leave me with a handsome figure of just over £100 a year!

I even got a Form to fill in from HM Revenue to make sure that I didn't have to pay any tax!

Happy Days?