I mashed in with 15L 85C liquor which gave me a mash temp of exactly 67C. I will admit to more luck than normal here. Usually i need to add some water from the kettle to get it up to the temp i'm after. I'm mashing at 67C cos i'm after a strong sweet beer here. It's winter time down here. :)
After 90 mins i drew off the first runnings and recirculated them. It only took a litre or so till they were nice and clear.
I sparge as slowly as i can. Sparging normally takes me 90 mins. I have to keep an eye on the HLT temp and the grain bed temp. I'm getting used to it now and it doesn't seem a chore or as tricky as it used to be. I keep HLT at 95C and after approx half hour grain bed temp is up to 78C ish. I then lower the temp in HLT to 85C ish and that usually keeps the grain bed at 78C ish. I find myself having a beer at this stage
It's amazing what photoshop can do :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks Wez. I loved the colour.
As i sparge very slowly the run off seems to be very clear most of the time. This sack of grain runs off clearer than the last but i'm getting lower efficiency from it.
Once the hot break has subsided i start trickling in the excess wort. I need to keep the level at the 25L mark or i get splashes coming over the sides. This took about 25 mins.
I need to have a fan placed beside the boiler to blow the steam towards the door. Otherwise i get condesation on the galvanised roof and treated beams that then drips down into my brew. As i previously discovered.