The ACE from Elya Catering doesn't come with a false bottom and grain bag; I ordered mine from ACE on ebay and it came with the bag and false bottom.
The false bottom would be very easy to make yourself - if you're not a DIY fan you could get perforated stainless steel cut to the correct size - there will be someone close to you who'll do that. I lay a pressure cooker gasket on top of the false bottom to prevent grain from slipping down the edge - it isn't a perfect fit. I don't use the filter on the outlet tap - other members said that it clogs up too easily.
I don't use my grain bag - I don't BIAB.
Although it is double walled and insulated, I fastened an exercise mat around mine - it isn't pretty, but it does the job.
They are rated at 2500W, but mine has two elements, 1600W and 900W; the 900W has been disconnected at the factory, but I've modded mine so that both elements work independently.
ACE don't seem to stock these any longer and I haven't seen them in the UK except on this Elya website.
It's a good vessel for mashing and boiling, especially if you are going to BIAB. I don't BIAB, so I collect the wort in a FV, clean out the ACE and pour the wort back into the ACE to boil.
The new model both elements have a switch, 1 for the 1600w and one for the 900w, and you can turn both on for 2,500w.
I BIAB, and a quick way to improve the bag is to use a couple of clothes pegs on the handles to shorten them, this gives you more space to dough in the grain without it coming out, as the bag is plenty long enough to reach all the way to the top.
I have the one with the digital temp control and manual timer too. All in all it's a nice package for the price.
Get the one off eBay, it's more up to date and comes with more bits. :thumb: