Breaking the rules ;-)

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Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
North of 't Border
Ok just dropped a SMaSH on to my previous yeat cake from a Wildcat clone (PA/Crystal/Black).
(Remains of my sack of malt ~5Kg didn't weigh it, 100g of an American hop whose name eludes me at the moment, ~ 75g/25g @ 6.7%, again just broke the cake and said good enough ;-) Well it was snowing outside and I was getting cold with the door open to let the steam out ;-()
Now repeatablitly is not an option on this one, but it will be interesting to see how it tastes. :thumb:

Now normal rules say don't do this, is this 'cause :-
1. May darken the brew
2. other?

I am not to bothered if it is not a VPA, I tend to drink darker beer anyway. :drink:
cascade maybe? that's about 7%...

it's down to darkening, pungent flavours etc. you can happily brew a light ale and dump something else on it. strong hoppy flavours and deep colour may translate over slightly, if not by flavour, even just the smell can come through.

yeast also mutates, so flavour may be slightly different, but by no means bad. people swear some yeast gets better after a couple of uses.

it's all good. just watch for a very active fermentation! :cheers:
I was expecting a very active fermentation :thumb:
This is my usual method of reusing yeast, and I normally drop the same or similar brew on to it.

Well this morning it has a nice head on it, temp was a bit low overnight, so it didn't try and climb out of the bath, like normal. I should really put a heater in it, but don't like running electric to the bathroom. And since I am expecting it to overflow it is staying it the bath for a couple of days.

I think it was cascade not used it before so be interesting to see what it brings to the brew.

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