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Nov 20, 2012
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Just finished brewing my Coopers Stout OG 1040 FG 1006 = 4.5% and am ready to bottle/barrel - well half and half actually.
I bought several boxes of Coopers Pet 500ml ber bottles. Do I prime with half or full teaspoon sugar? and do these bottles need sterlising yes? Just clean out the box. :cheers:
We've just been having a discussion on that (would give you the link if I could... hold on... Sterilise bottles or no? - you have to read to the end).

Actually I would sterilise brand new ones, although I think washing out the chemical residues from the manufacturing process is probably more important.
I go with half teaspoon with ale / stout in 500ml bottles , maybe a little over carb for me but smallest spoon I have.

Bottles out of the box prob don't need to be sanitised , but it's good practise and why risk a batch of beer :cheers:
I used a 1/2 teaspoon in my coopers stout and it was great. Best to sterilise the bottles, and take no chances :thumb:
Those Coopers PET bottles are not sealed in plastic but just in a cardboard box. So I would definitely sanitise before use. Not worth ruining all that beer.