I did this the other day and it varied a bit from the method above.
1st I cleaned and sanitised the bottles required, sealing with cling film and put them in the fridge where the corny was conditioning at 13 deg c, a day before filling the bottles.
On the day of filling I sanitised the enodis tap spout and ran the beer straight into the bottles. The foam generated came out of the bottle roughly 1" prior to the liquid, which is perfect for me, and as said above is a normal way of filling a bottle.
I've primed some bottles using glucose and 2 granules of S04, the others have just been left to get on with it.
I opened a non yeast primed bottle after 48 hours, twas very good, waiting on the primed as we speak.
Apparently a 'trick' is to bottle a few points high and let the residual sugars and yeast prime in the bottle.