Bottled my lager brew

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Active Member
Aug 23, 2010
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hi all,

ive bottled my brew now and its sitting in the lounge for 2 days before it goes in the shed for atleast a fortnight as suggested by the guy at the HB store.

ive taken a couple of pics for your opinions on, it looks a little cloudy to me but is this normal? i had a little taste and its quite nice tbh, i can certainly taste a bit of bitterness from what im assuming is the yeast in elevation but other than that it tastes like beer! lol



make sure you keep it out of the way of any light as if gives the beer an 'off' taste, especially if you are using clear bottles. I left my coopers kits at room temp for a week then put in the garage, ive only done a few kits but everyone on here has advised thats the best way to mature.
all the best with it, what kit did u brew btw?
thanks for that mate, il take that route, btw all the bottles are ina closed cardboard box but its good to know about the sunlight!

its a coopers Australian lager.

yeah it is normal to be cloudy.when you bottled, did u do it straight from the FV or syphon to a second bucket and bottle? i usually syphon to a second fv and bottle from there to save dragging up any yeast or **** on the bottom.
Going by my 2 previous coopers kits, draught and mexican cerveza( draught bottled for 5 weeks and cerveza 3 weeks), I would recommend leaving a good 5 or 6 weeks, obviously have a bottle to try and see how its coming along. i bottled my coopers lager about a week and a half ago so we'll see how that turns tasted a bit watery to be honest but im not expecting much after 5 days really, i'll be leaving that till october at the earliest
hi, i didnt drain off into a second FV but i have read up on this method and i will be using it for the next brew as soon as i get another FV and bottles etc.

im going to get a diary together i think lol

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