Bottled beer concern

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Jan 5, 2010
Reaction score
Saltaire, West Yorkshire
I bottled a Tom Caxton Real Ale kit about 3 weeks ago and checked on it last night. I have some bottled in clear bottles and noticed a tiny white/tanslucent film has appeared on the beer at the upmost liquid level in the neck of the bottle. I can only describe it as a 'film'. I opened two bottles, which both smelled and tasted fine to me. Anyone have any experience of this? or think this is a potential problem? (I guess time will tell).

The only things I did differently with this brew was using 100% spray malt and used a full sachet of hop enhancer... I thought the residue could be from this?

I guess I'm worried my beer has a nasty :shock:
If it tastes good, suppose you will just have to sample each bottle just in case :D :drink:
Try bottling in brown bottles then you won't see the film? :wha:
There's another thread going today on a similar subject, I sure would like to know what the film is. :wha:
I've had a few bottles turn out like that. As you say they taste OK when poured..... :cheers:
i had it happen to me in a ten pint bottle and had to chuck it away. It was rancid and gave me bad guts the next day. It was like a translucent oil slick on the top of the beer. 10 PINTS!!!
It's now 4 weeks since I bottled this beer and I tried a bottle last night... it's perfect! no bad smell or sour taste.
Interestingly, now I've taken a closer look at all the bottles, it appears that the beers in the brown bottles are fine, whereas those in the clear bottles have the 'film' on top. They are stored in the dark so I don't think it's due to clear bottles + strong light. I'm wondering if I bottled the clear ones first and that they have whatever it is inlarger quantities? And I'm convince now that this is something to do with the hop enhancer sachet as it's the only thing that changed from my previous kits (so as Barnsley Brewer suggested, could be hop oil?)

Anyway, the beer is ok = :cheers: :drink:
Here's a pint of the Tom Caxton Real Ale kit that I brewed back in August... it's roughly 4 months coditioned now and a reasonable pint... a few of the bottles that i've opened along the way have been slightly sour, so as per the post above I think it did have a slight problem/infection maybe?
I tipped a whole 50l due to the same thing. I went to bottle it and the whole lot was sour. I'm trying to make vinegar out of 10l of it as I think it was fruit fly infection.


i bottled the same brew about 2-3 weeks ago and havent noticed any 'films' at the top of the bottle, i used about half of the hop sachet and 1 kg sugar. its a lovely brew already, its been sitting in the spare room for the last 3 weeks, i was going to stick it out in the garage after a week to condition for a few weeks but that went to stink after all the snow, and my back garden is decked and icy as hell, your taking your life, but most importantly ur beers life into ur own hands!
ur pint looks a bit darker than mine or maybe its just the angle you have taken the pic at.
ive made about 7 or 8 of the coopers kits and i think this tom caxton kit, even after 3 weeks is better, ive got a tom caxton lager in the fv to be bottled either tomorrow or most likely thursday, made that up with 500 g spray malt and 500g sugar, plus a full hop sachet.

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