Bottle draining

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Active Member
Sep 22, 2012
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Hi all, my first brew is now ready to bottle

I have just sterilised and rinsed my bottles and they are now drying on my tree.

Do i wait until they are completely dry inside as there are lots of tiny droplets that will not come out no matter how hard i shake?

I am assuming this will take a while so how long will they remain sterilised for?

These are brand new PET bottles in case that is important

Just looking at what all you experienced pros do.
Gerrit bottled!!

Your tree is just to get a bit more out but more importantly hold your bottles neck down so airbourne bad things don't settle into your sterile bottles.

Have fun!
brand new PET bottles don't really need sterilising just a good rinse. However it can't hurt.
Sterilise,rinse, drain and bottle only wait is the 10 mins or so in steriliser
Thankyou, all done now.

My little bottler wasn't very good though, it kept on dribbling between bottles :(
Was it actually leaking or was it just the beer running off the outside? I always lose a small puddle but the bottler valve itself doesn't leak...

If it is leaking (and it's a genuine little bottler) you can pull them apart. Check the seal and the bit that it seats on to for rogue bits of plastic or whatever.
Sterilise, rinse then give them a good shake. I give each bottle another good shake out directly before using each bottle. As long as you've rinsed well I don't see why a few drops of water would affect your beer.

As for leaking little bottlers....both of mine have a small drip...drip. I find if you get the next bottle in your other hand you can remove the full one and catch the drips in the new one and not lose any beer.
My LB drips a little too.

I get all the bottles on the tree ready on one side, the bottling FV in the middle, and the capping "station" on the other, so tend to get through 40 bottles in around 25-30mins. If I lose 75ml through drips in that time, I'd be very surprised.