My second kit as a born again home brewer was a Tom Caxton best bitter, brewed with 1kg beer enhancer and rehydrated S-04 yeast. Fermentation went smoothly, with a final gravity of 1018. I primed 2l PET bottles with 15g sucrose at 20 deg C but have had no secondary fermentation. The beer is flat and tastes horribly sweet (banoffee pie springs to mind), Its tastes as though the yeast has fermented all the maltose and left the glucose/sucrose. The SG is now 1020 and stable. Is there anything I can do? Is it worth pitching a small amount of rehydrated kit yeast into each bottle, or am I destined to pour 5 gallons down the sink? I only brewed the Tom Caxton kit in an attempt to exorcise the demons that haunt me from my experiences of Tom Caxton kits in the 80s - some things never change!