Boiling grains

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2009
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Just canvassing people's opinion on adding grains to the boiler when doing an extract brew. Posts that i have read on here in the past and some books i have read say :nono: , however, Graham Wheeler in his Brew Your Own British Ales book (CAMRA) doesn't seem to think its a problem at all; in fact he specifically says that "some people" have an issue, but he hasn't.

Be grateful for your thoughts.
I can't think of a reason why you'd add grains to the boiler??????
Your not going to extract too many worthwhile things from grains that you boil. IMO

I'm not the biggest GW fan at the best of times. :whistle: Personally I find what he writes to not work for me or my brewing.
I threw caution to the wind and chucked the grains (crystal malt and black malt) into the boiler when making my Speckled Hen clone. They went in with the malt extract at 70 degrees and were in for the whole 90 minute boil; doesn't seem to be any problem with any off flavours.
It is not best practice to boil the grains so is better avoided . . . essentially steeping them in a muslin bag at 70C for 30 minutes and then removing the bag and grain isn't difficult, and will almost certainly result in a smoother better tasting beer.