boiler/mash tun

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2012
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i need a larger boiler/mash tun
i havn't got a lot of money due to being unimployed so what about this for a idea?
a milk churn ......................................
i would drill and put a tap in it its 10 gallons (i want to make firkin (9 gallons) a milk churn has sturdy handles ets and is well built
i would use propain to heat it (buying a propain burner and i could use this when i get a better container
most milk churns are made from aluminium
i dont know how thick they are
are there any reasions apart from being posh looking to s/steel?
does the surface area at the top make any differance to the brewing?
the mouth of the milk churn should be big enough to get stuff in easily and easy enough for cleaning access
i have just spent the last 1.5hrs looking on ebay for something cheap
any ideas?
i can convert stuff if it wasnt intended for this use

found this but i think its expensive.... ... 231c41b5e9
you can buy s/steel for a little more money
I guess it would need to be thick enough to withstand an hour of constant heat from the burner - sorry not sure how thick is thick enough for this!

A lot of folks here get their pots from French/German Ebay - From THIS Company

For example they have a 100l pot which would cost just over £50.
Does it need to be gas? Some people have used the blue HDPE buckets to good effect. I don't know where they come from but I'm pretty sure there's a link on here somewhere.
I would be a bit worried heating up aluminium for that length of time, also wort is acidic aluminium may not be the best choice.
i would like to go propain due to cost of electricity is so high and i eventually want to build a shed for my brewing and it means i dont need such a large and expensive power cable to the shed
I have just searched it seems quite a few people use aluminium pots. Personally I wouldn't use one though. As for propane it is usually not as efficient and really needs to be done in a well ventilated place.
ok good point about the acidity
i will prob stay clear of alli then
for the short amount of time that the beer brew will be in the alli , it will make so little difference that it will make difference, every one harps on about stainless wtich is best but alli will do.

the only thing to watch when using a milk churn is that they USED TO but not any more have a join of the floor and the sides, they are normally now made in once piece but years ago they used to be two piece, the two piece ones used to sealed with molten lead solder rather than any thing else

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