Bishops Finger

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Brewer: Lee	
Batch Size: 5.00 gal	Style: Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale) ( 8C)
Boil Size: 4.01 gal	Style Guide: BJCP 2008
Color: 8.2 SRM	Equipment: Brew Pot (5 Gallon)
Bitterness: 34.1 IBUs	Boil Time: 60 min
Est OG: 1.051 (12.6° P)	Mash Profile: Single Infusion, Medium Body, Batch Sparge
Est FG: 1.013 SG (3.4° P)	Fermentation: My Aging Profile
ABV: 5.0%	Taste Rating: 35.0

Ingredients Amount 	Name 	Type 	#
8 lbs 2.5 oz 	Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (3.0 SRM) 	Grain 	1
12.0 oz 	Wheat, Torrified (1.7 SRM) 	Grain 	2
9.9 oz 	Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (60.0 SRM) 	Grain 	3
0.4 oz 	Amber Malt (22.0 SRM) 	Grain 	4
0.7 oz 	Target [11.0%] - Boil 60 min 	Hops 	5
0.5 oz 	Challenger [7.5%] - Boil 15 min 	Hops 	6
0.5 oz 	Goldings, East Kent [5.0%] - Boil 15 min 	Hops 	7
0.5 oz 	Goldings, East Kent [5.0%] - Boil 1 min 	Hops 	8
0.5 oz 	Styrian Goldings [5.4%] - Boil 1 min 	Hops 	9
1 pkgs 	Thames Valley Ale (Wyeast Labs #1275) 	Yeast 	10

Bishop's Finger Kentish Ale: Shepherd Neame, Faversham, England This light amber ale has a light tan head with a caramel and malt aroma. The flavor is smooth and malty with light smoke undertones.

Good luck with it.
If you want the authentic Shepherd Neame yeast you could try culturing from a bottle of 1698 (which is also a lovely beer)
Here's a link to a good "how to" on recovering yeast from bottled beer, it might help.

Good luck, I've just recovered yeast for a Cider kit which has now been fermenting actively since the 1st of April. I'm hoping to get MLF out of it. Its been astonishingly active for most of the last 28 days until yesterday when the bubble rate of the air lock has now dropped to once every 2.5 mins. Nearly ready for the next stage.

I'm interested to hear how your experience goes.
I have tried to culture the yeast with a little success I used a fuller beer it is just starting to bubble slowly as I used to work in the cider trade I spoke to my old boss and he suggested I feed the yeast with golden syrup or honey any suggestion on this :clap:
I have started a new batch of yeast using a fuller beer it took a long time to start i think it was to cold but it has just started to bubble about 6 a min have started to feed with malt :clap:
Yeast still going about 3 per min I keep shaking it about 4 times a day with the air lock out there is some sediment coming in the bottom I am still feeding it with warm malt :cheers:
Sadly my yeast has stopped working after 28 days but I have used it for 5 brews so I am pleased, I think this very high temp could have been the problem a brew fridge needed I think :rofl:
I have just started a brew using the recipe on this form with help from my local micro brewery with a few changes it looks good will report later on results, as the weather is so hot the micro brewery are keeping my brew at there brewery we are using there brew yeast :drink:
Hi all have made the bishops finger clone a couple of times all with good results but I have been told that the hop Styrin Golding has withdrawn what hop could one use in its place any help would be great :cheers:
Many thanks for information I will make a brew in the next 6 days using one of these hops the bl---- EU spoiling our hobby :cheers:
Before they changed the names, "Styrian Goldings" was used for pretty much any hop grown in Slovenia which covered, I think, 3 or 4 varieties so you never really knew what you were getting. At least now you do!
Have just tapped my keg of bishops fingers and it tastes great when my mates come around I am sure it will soon go must get a brew on again :drink:
My bishop finger tastes perfect my mates love it the recipe on this post suits us fine may I suggest you give no 1 son lemonade if this beer is to strong for him and is there any need to use bad language :drink:

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