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New Member
Jan 27, 2013
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hi , i am going to start brew in a bag ,and this might be a stupid question but ,what size stock pot and strainer bag should i buy to do a 23ltr batch.

Similar question to Chris really (sorry for the minor hi-jack!) and sorry for the silly question.....

Could you do a BIAB process to give you 23 litres of wort in a 40 litre Buffalo boiler?


Stu :)
joey1002 said:
Have a read of the paragraph titled "The pot" under the above link :thumb:

Damn damn damn!! :D

I was so sure I had read that article properly a couple of days ago!! :D

Have been planning on buying a 40 litre buffalo to do Biab with a view to it becoming my boiler in the future for 3 vessel.

Boo! Always read things properly!! :D
chrisjj said:
what size stock pot and strainer bag should i buy to do a 23ltr batch

I'd recommend a 50l. Big beers need a bit of space and a 50l will give you enough space for a big grain bill and all the water. :thumb:

stuey said:
Could you do a BIAB process to give you 23 litres of wort in a 40 litre Buffalo boiler?

Kind of... You don't have enough space to mash the lot at full length but you could easily mash for a 23l and have a little sparge of your bag to bring the pre-boil brew length up. There are a few who do it this way with great results. :thumb:
thanks for the replys guys, 50ltr stock pot it is and a 24inchx24inch strainer bag. :cheers: :thumb: :D :party:
i have a 30l buffalo that i will be using for doing 21/23l brews with depending on the grain bill. i would have gone bigger but managed to get the boiler as new for £15 so going to use it. im going to to do the dunk sparging method and then keep a bit of wort back and top up as it evaporates when boiling
I got a 20 litre brewlength out of my 30l Buffalo without the dunk sparging, all grain and water in from the start. Still had headroom and never came anywhere near the top and a boil over.

how big was the grain bill for that mate. i havent done my first brew in there yet and never done any ag before so not sure how much headroom for boiling ill need till i try it out. i was going to start the boil with 26l and see how it goes.
I used a total of 4kg of grain, and about 27 litres of water.
I've got the full details at home, so will add more info when I get back.

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