Oh lord ,
I breweed a belgian and let it sit for 3 - 4 days t58 ran through it was within a couple of points of finishing. I had it rigged up to a stc 1000 and an aquarium heater (i was aware that these are unpredicatble so i rigged up to stc 1000 so to enure that cut out occured at 18c.
Had a check today: the outside of the container was warm to touch, openned up and tested with another termometer it was literally 44c :evil: yet when i took a sample from the tap at the bottom it was 18 - 19 c similar to my stc reading ? :wha: The fermentor was well insulated
I presume that due to no cirulation that there were various patches of heat in the fermenter , as the heater was at the bottom , it kept raising the temperature the temperature at the top got a lot warmer, the temperature porbe at the bottom was still measuring low . Which was also odd as the heater temp max is supposed to be 30c :wha:
Anyway plugged everything out and hoping it will cool down , I presume i have killed the yeast although it would appear that there is still yeast in suspension , the sample i took looked cloudy
I didnt take a taste sample this morning but i presume its like orange juice
It was after primary fermentaion , there was no krausen left,
Any guidance on this , i think if i was to do this again i would rig up a small submersible pump to ensure that there arent' temperature spots runing low enough just to keep temp even thoughout the fermentor
My final question is is this saveable at all ?
I breweed a belgian and let it sit for 3 - 4 days t58 ran through it was within a couple of points of finishing. I had it rigged up to a stc 1000 and an aquarium heater (i was aware that these are unpredicatble so i rigged up to stc 1000 so to enure that cut out occured at 18c.
Had a check today: the outside of the container was warm to touch, openned up and tested with another termometer it was literally 44c :evil: yet when i took a sample from the tap at the bottom it was 18 - 19 c similar to my stc reading ? :wha: The fermentor was well insulated
I presume that due to no cirulation that there were various patches of heat in the fermenter , as the heater was at the bottom , it kept raising the temperature the temperature at the top got a lot warmer, the temperature porbe at the bottom was still measuring low . Which was also odd as the heater temp max is supposed to be 30c :wha:
Anyway plugged everything out and hoping it will cool down , I presume i have killed the yeast although it would appear that there is still yeast in suspension , the sample i took looked cloudy
I didnt take a taste sample this morning but i presume its like orange juice
It was after primary fermentaion , there was no krausen left,
Any guidance on this , i think if i was to do this again i would rig up a small submersible pump to ensure that there arent' temperature spots runing low enough just to keep temp even thoughout the fermentor
My final question is is this saveable at all ?