Beverage by xmas

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New Member
Nov 19, 2012
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Just wondering if there's anything i can start this weekend that can be drank in vast quantities with reasonable ease by xmas quite strong if possible. any ideas ?
quite a few beers could potentially be just about ready for Christmas Day but its pushing it and they would not be in condition to be called good beers.

If your wanting lots of quaffing beers, it looks like it could be a trip to Rhythm and Booze.
What PD said.

Mind you - "can be drank in vast quantities", "quite strong", no mention of quality or flavour...

...grab any old beer kit, triple the sugar, brew it warm, bottled in a week and a half, knock yourself out. It'll be "beer", it'll get you there, it won't be pretty.

PS. Don't blame me for the hangover
you only really have enough time to brew a wheat based beer like a weizen or a wit at around 5% assuming its AG or extract . if you need help etc if you want to brew these type , no probs . i feel there ain't enough time for a kit beer.
calumscott said:
What PD said.

Mind you - "can be drank in vast quantities", "quite strong", no mention of quality or flavour...

...grab any old beer kit, triple the sugar, brew it warm, bottled in a week and a half, knock yourself out. It'll be "beer", it'll get you there, it won't be pretty.

PS. Don't blame me for the hangover

:rofl: :rofl:
pittsy said:
you only really have enough time to brew a wheat based beer like a weizen or a wit at around 5% assuming its AG or extract . if you need help etc if you want to brew these type , no probs . i feel there ain't enough time for a kit beer.

Fair point - do kit wheats brew as quick?
no not really , but if you can get hold of some wheat malt extract and go for extrct brew it will be ready as long as you use a real wit/weizen yeast , 10 days ferment , 7 days warm , 14 days condition.

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