best brew kit for stout

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Feb 26, 2013
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hi im new to the home brewing experience but decided to start im off to the brew shop in the next couple of days decided i want to do stout as my fav drink is murphys irish stout not that strong but very tasty ive decided to buy a brew kit at first as i am only an amature is there any kits out there that have similar taste :cheers: simmy
Lots of people here brew stout, I like Murphys too but I haven't enough experience of stout kits to say which one comes closest. I usually use the Coopers stout kit. And welcome!
Welcome to the forum :cheers:

I don't brew kits but have a look in the beer kit review section. It might give you a few ideas :thumb:
Cant go wrong with Coopers mate, but i am interested to hear other views.
Coopers stout brewed with DME makes a great stout. Be carefull though it goes crazy and can overspill your fv. I've also done it with half sugar and half DME and it still really good with less foam to pop the lid off your fv
EDME Irish Stout so far has been the best one for me. I made mine slightly to fizzy but apart from that a very nice pint.
Just waiting now to make a dent in a Better Brew Irish stout kit I made the other week.Have sampled a couple of bottles(as scientific research)And it tastes great.Also done a coopers,added 500g of dark dme and a small tin of black treacle.It works great,but as someone said watch the fermentation it goes nuts!Its a wise practice to place your Fermenter inside a bin liner incase it blows the lid open.(Its not as dramatic as it sounds just dont leave :drink: it next to er indoors fav dress.!:-P
thanks all for the advice will try coopers ive read on other forums about using a pipe out of the bin lid into a bottle with water to catch overflow does this work :?:
ISure does mate and its easy peesy to make.Warm up a lenght or syphon tube,say about 2ft long with a hair dryer.Put one end in your rubber airlock bung,and put the other end into a litre bottle of clean preboiled water.I drilled a hole into a coke bottle top and put it through that and into the water.It works the same way as an airlock only you have more room for escaping gas/krausen.Any thing else I can help with just give me a shout on here.Happy brewing. :drink:
gingerhammer said:
ISure does mate and its easy peesy to make.Warm up a lenght or syphon tube,say about 2ft long with a hair dryer.Put one end in your rubber airlock bung,and put the other end into a litre bottle of clean preboiled water.I drilled a hole into a coke bottle top and put it through that and into the water.It works the same way as an airlock only you have more room for escaping gas/krausen.Any thing else I can help with just give me a shout on here.Happy brewing. :drink:
ok thanks for info will keep u updated on my first brew :cheers:
Whatever you do don't get the youngs harvest stout as it tastes like pants, but the coopers one is lovely and smooth and better than a can of anything from the shop !!!
The mild is lovely and the bitter Yorkshire bitter and Scottish heavy are all great to, I use them allot, but the stout isn't so great for some reason. I would say the mild was one of my favourites I've done so far!!!!
Thanks - good to know! I used dark DME, demerara and some food grade LME for mine. Looking forward to trying it next week when I bottle it.
hi guys so i went to the shop yesterday bought coopers stout kit ive had it fermenting for about
24 hrs now theres a very thin layer of froff on top but it dont seem as active as other people have mentioned is this normal?
Although most times my brews get going within 24 hours sometimes it's 48hrs before they really kick off. Just wait another 24 and report back what you see!
thanks will give it another 24 hrs then am i right in thinking if its not started adding more yeast
I'll be bottling my coopers stout tomorrow. This time my brew didnt go crazy either, just a normal froth. Last time i did this brew it was pushing the lid. So dont worry, as long as it ferments down to what it should be. :thumb:
scottsimmy said:
thanks will give it another 24 hrs then am i right in thinking if its not started adding more yeast

That's what I do, if nothing happens in 48 hours I just tip in another packet of yeast.

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