Beersmith, Kolsch, Braumeister and a new supplier

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New Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Hello, so, I am very new at this

I live in Chile at the moment, and suppliers for beer making are pretty thin on the ground. I've found one here who makes up all grain recipe packages, and I thought I'd give one a go. We have a Braumeister 20L, and I've been trying to get my head around Beersmith a bit. Now, take a gander at this and tell me what you think:

The recipe for a Kolsch that they will supply me is:

4kg pale ale malt
100g light caramel malt
1kg wheat

5g apollo (boil for 60 mins)
15g hallertau (boil for 15 mins)
2g Hallertau (boil for 2 mins)

When I plug that all in to Beersmith (with a brewhouse efficiency of 75% - my estimate with previous braumeister brews), it gives me an estimated OG of 1.060 (way over what the beersmith style comparison for a kolsch should be), and IBU of 13.2 (way under what the comparison says a Kolsch should be), and an ABV of 6% (way over the comparison guide for a Kolsch).

Now... can anyone tell me from looking at those ingredients - is the supplier wrong in thinking that's a Kolsch? Am I putting the figures into Beersmith wrong? I know that the supplier here probably doesn't have such easy and affordable access to all the different malts/hops etc, but I am keen to make a kolsch style as it's hot here and that sounds to me like the sort of style my friends and family here would enjoy (light, not too hoppy etc).

Any advice welcomed!
That recipe is very similar to our own kolsch recipes apart from instead of light caramel malt we use munich and instead of apoolo hops we use saaz, tetnang or hallertau hersbrucker hops apart from that it looks ok. The gravity will be right as you are using over 5k of malt :thumb:
Thanks for the response. It's just Beersmith estimates my OG at 1.060, when it says that a Kolsch should have an OG between 1044 and 1.050...