Beerline cleaners

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Frisps 2 Firkin Brewery
Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
South Ayrshire
Whts the best beerline cleaner. I have a spare cornie from which to push beerline cleaner through my chillers. I dont however know what is a good line cleaner. I have heard of Soda crystals being used but they can leave a nasty deposit which just wont rinse away.
I want to clean the lines in my new chiller which has been sat doing nothing for a long time and I anticipate that there are colonies of gawd nows what living in there.

How do you do yours :?:
Frisp I use this stuff to clean the beerline to my beer engine EBAY LINK

It's dangerous stuff :eek: has to be diluted
Any beer line cleaner will do you. Most need diluting but they'll provide instructions on use eg: how long to soak the different strength concentrations. Tip for cleaning out the chiller lines I devised was to blast them through with co2 if they're full of crap. Mine had not been cleaned in a milennia and had old beer and weird thick dried gunk which wouldn't flush with water but a co2 spurt fired it out.