Beer won't clear, looks like pond water.

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New Member
Oct 23, 2011
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South London
Hi anybody who is interested,
Basically, I have a brew I made about 3 months ago, all-grain, bottled after 2 weeks or so ferment, and as I remember, everything went well in the processes. I have done a fair number of all-grain brews, and all prior to this, and since have been great. The only clearing aid I use is Irish moss, no added sugar or anything, just simple but good beer. The one thing I did different on this occasion was to use White Labs English Ale Yeast, otherwise, I use dry yeast, or if I have enough time, I grow a culture.
Ultimately, the beer is most certainly not "off", in fact just tried,bravely, first bottle and it does not taste bad, no strange aroma, a bit grainy in the mouth, it just looks like a monkey took a **** in it.
Any ideas? I have limited space and since I have given it three months, need to think about moving it on, maybe barrel it with a clearing agent?

it just looks like a monkey took a **** in it.
:rofl: that's the best intro from a new member for a while :rofl: :rofl:
Welcome to the forum syw :thumb:
What did you sparge to out of interest :hmm: ie, what was the gravity left in the mash tun :hmm:
Hi Vossy1,
It sparged out at around 1.045, and ended up 1.012, nothing extra-ordinary! That is what I don't really get, I have not aimed for anything particularly potent, after all, I drink my beer and aim to go to work the next day!
The reason I asked about over sparging is that it can release tannins from the malt which combine with other compounds in the finished beer to form a haze which is usually apparent on chilling (temporary haze) but if bad enough can be there permanently. The gravity of the final runnings in the tun shouldn't be allowed to drop below 1.006 ideally.
Other causes for hazes,
forgetting Irish moss, can haze well before being tasted...drink it quick :grin:
yeast still active, if it has a high attenuation it might not have finished, have you chilled a bottle for a few days/week to see if the yeast drops out.
3 months after bottling it should have settled down :hmm:
Thanks once again for your replies Vossy1,
I have never chilled my beer to see if the yeast drops, I will try that tonight and see if anything happens, one thing is for sure, this beer has out-lasted many, but is now taking up precious shelf space (3 bed flat, 2 small children, mother in-law, need I say more!) If chilling does work, I shall probably give it away to chums. Otherwise I think the drains shall be tested.

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